Teacher Report Form (TRF) 6-18 Forms (pkg 50)

Author(s) : Thomas M. Achenbach

Publisher : ASEBA 2001

SKU : 100QS

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The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) School Age 6-18 enables practitioners to efficiently obtain standardised ratings and descriptive details of children's functioning as seen by parents (using the CBCL 6-18) and teachers (using the TRF 6-18). The Youth Self Report (YSR) 11-18 Form also obtains the youth's view of their own functioning.

The Teacher Report Form (TRF) 6-18 Forms is completed by teachers and other school staff who are familiar with the child's functioning in school. The TRF can be completed by aides, counsellors/school psychologists, special education teachers etc.

The TRF can be used to compare reports obtained from different school staff, and with the results from CBCL and YSR forms.

The TRF requests demographic information about the student, the respondent's role at the school and how long they have been there, how well the respondent knows the student, how much time the student spends in their class/service, and what class or service it is.

The TRF also looks at the students' adaptive functioning, by asking respondents to rate performance in their subjects, and information on adaptive characteristics.

Page 3 and 4 of the TRF asks respondents to rate behavioural, emotional and social problems as 0 for not true, 1 for somewhat or sometimes true and 2 for very true or often true based on the preceding two months.

Thomas M. Achenbach

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