The Original S.T.A.R.S. Guidebook for Older Teens and Adults

Revised Second Edition for Older Teens and Adults

ISBN13 : 9781949177893

Author(s) : Susan Heighway & Susan Kidd Webster

Publisher : Future Horizons, 2022

SKU : 5576BK

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The goal of The Original S.T.A.R.S. Guidebook is to promote positive sexuality and prevent sexual abuse.

The revised second edition of this valuable resource presents new information about sexual orientation, gender identity, cultural diversity, cyber security, and includes even more helpful materials.

It provides assessment tools that can be used to identify the strengths and needs of each individual. Each activity can be catered to address specific needs.

The STARS model is specially designed for teaching adolescents and adults with a broad range of disabilities, emphasizing four important areas:

  • Understanding Relationships
  • Social Interaction
  • Sexual Awareness
  • Assertiveness
Susan Heighway & Susan Kidd Webster