Thinking Out Loud, Australian Edition

A program of activities for developing speaking, listening and thinking skills for children aged 8-11

ISBN13 : 9780864315816

Author(s) : Lyn Dawes, Neil Mercer and Rupert Wegerif

Publisher : ACER Press, 2006

SKU : 0864315813

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Thinking Out Loud is the Australian edition of a highly successful thinking skills program from the United Kingdom, suitable for all educators. The program is an excellent resource for the direct teaching of speaking, listening and thinking skills, and its use has been shown to raise students' achievement across the curriculum.

Ideal for introduction at the start of a term, the Thinking Out Loud approach creates an ethos of cooperation within a classroom that helps all activities become more inclusive and productive.

Thinking Out Loud offers:

  • An overview of thinking skills in Australian curriculum frameworks
  • Lesson plans with activities which develop students' spoken language abilities and encourage them to reason and to learn together in groups
  • Lessons which link to different curriculum areas including English, mathematics, science, geography, citizenship and environmental issues
  • A focus on ICT skills, particularly for students using computers in groups or setting up links with other schools
  • Blackline masters to support group tasks
  • A section on assessment, including ways in which students can reflect on and assess their own progress.
Lyn Dawes, Neil Mercer and Rupert Wegerif