TSCYC Profile Form (Male & Female) Ages 5-9 Years (pkg 25)

Author(s) : John Briere

Publisher : PAR, 2005

SKU : 301TSY

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The Trauma Symptom Checklist for Young Children (TSCYC) evaluates acute and chronic posttraumatic symptomatology and other psychological sequelae of traumatic events in children ages 3-12 years.

Based on the Trauma Symptom Checklist For Children (TSCC), the TSCYC is a 90-item caretaker-report measure that can be administered in less than 20 minutes. Caretakers rate each of 90 symptoms on a four-point scale according to how frequently the symptom occurred in the previous month.

The TSCYC contains separate norms for males and females and for three age groups: 3-4 years, 5-9 years, and 10-12 years.

The TSCYC Profile Form (Male & Female) Ages 5-9 years is used for the 5-9 year old age group only. The Profile Form allows for the conversion of raw scores to T scores, and is used to graph the scores.

John Briere

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