UNIT 2 Examiner's Manual

Author(s) : Bruce A. Bracken and R. Steve McCallum

Publisher : Pro-Ed USA, 2016

SKU : 502UNI

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The Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test-Second Edition (UNIT 2) is designed to provide a fair assessment of intelligence for individuals who have speech, language or hearing impairments, different cultural or language backgrounds, or are verbally uncommunicative.

Now with an upward extension of normative tables making the UNIT 2 suitable for ages 5 through to 21 years 11 months, the second edition provides an all new normative sample and an Abbreviated Battery, Standard Battery With Memory, Standard Battery Without Memory, and Full Scale Battery.

UNIT 2 Examiner's Manual provides information on:

  • UNIT 2 Model and Applications of the UNIT 2
  • Testing Considerations
  • Administration of the Subtests
  • Scoring
  • Interpreting UNIT 2 Performance
  • Normative Information
  • Test Reliability and Validity
Bruce A. Bracken and R. Steve McCallum

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