
Virtual Worlds

ISBN13 : 9780864318848

Author(s) : Judy O'Connell and Dean Groom

Publisher : ACER Press, 2010

SKU : A5074BK

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Each year there are more and more avatars in rich virtual environments. These immersive worlds - where the world within the screen becomes both the object and the site of interaction - are on the increase, matching the promise of technology with the creative minds of our students.

Educators, keen to incorporate the evolving literacy and information needs of 21st century learners, will want to understand the opportunities provided by multi-user environments (MUVEs), online role-playing games (massively multiplayer online role-playing games or MMORPGs) and 3D immersive worlds, so as to be able to create more interactive library, educational and cultural projects.

Apart of the Learning in a Changing World Series, Virtual Worlds will provide the knowledge, inspiration and motivation to get you started.

The Learning in a Changing World Series looks at how the process of learning is evolving at a rapid pace- from the array of resources available in the digital age, changing curriculum, and different teaching strategies needed in order to use new media and technologies, school leaders in the 21st century need to adapt and learn in order to succeed.

Judy O'Connell and Dean Groom