Above and Beyond the Bottom Line

The extraordinary evolution of the education business manager

ISBN13 : 9780864318398

Author(s) : Karen Starr

Publisher : ACER Press, 2012

SKU : A5182BK

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Above and Beyond the Bottom Line: The Extraordinary Evolution of the Education Business Manager, provides insights into the dynamic evolution and growing importance of education as business and the rise of the education business manager - now a vital member of educational leadership teams.

The business manager is no longer an invisible back-office employee who balances the books. The role is highly complex and accountable and the scope of the work wide-ranging and changeable.

Education business managers are professionals holding knowledge, skills and ideas that increase organisational capacity, viability and provision and enable other educational leaders to focus on learning and teaching.

Building on research from around the world, this book fills a huge gap in our understandings about educational leadership in its most comprehensive sense, while discussing current issues and considerations for the future.

Above and Beyond the Bottom Line is an invaluable resource for business managers from all education settings - schools, universities, kindergartens, training colleges - and their professional associations; educational leaders and councillors; education policymakers; advisors and auditors; and scholars and researchers interested in finding out about the extraordinary developments occurring behind the scenes in educational leadership, management and administration.

Karen Starr