ACER General Ability Tests (AGAT)

Author(s) : ACER Press

Publisher : ACER Press, 2008


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Range: Years 2 to 10
Purpose: To assist teachers in their assessment of students' learning potential and overall aptitude.
Administration: 40 minutes — group

The ACER General Ability Tests (AGAT) are a test of general ability suitable for students in Years 2 to 10.  They are a thoroughly researched and nationally normed assessment instrument.

Each test includes verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning items.

Key Features

  • Large Australian norm sample
  • Provide a multifaceted estimate of students’ level of general intellectual ability and aptitude
  • Can be administered individually or to a large group
  • A common scale for all nine tests gives teachers the flexibility to match test level to ability and monitor development over time
  • Include percentiles and stanines that allow for comparison with a national norm group at different year levels
  • Provide scale scores for different strands (verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning) to help identify specific strengths and development needs.


  •     Identify students who could be selected for extension programs
  •     Identify students who may need special diagnostic and remedial attention
  •     Compare results on AGAT with measures of student achievement
  •     Provide information that may be used in setting realistic goals and planning effective programs of work
  •     Locate areas of weakness and strength for individuals or within a class
  •     Monitor the development of students' reasoning abilities over time
  •     Provide an indication of learning potential.

Year Levels

AGAT comprises nine tests of increasing overall difficulty covering a range of year levels. The following is a guide to which test level is appropriate to each school year:

Test 1 - Year 2 or 3

Test 2 - Year 2 or 3 or 4

Test 3 - Year 3 or 4 or 5

Test 4 - Year 4 or 5 or 6

Test 5 - Year 5 or 6 or 7

Test 6 - Year 6 or 7 or 8

Test 7 - Year 7 or 8 or 9

Test 8 - Year 8 or 9 or 10

Test 9 - Year 8 or 9 or 10

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