Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)

Publisher : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012


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CogAT Machine Scoreable Test Booklets Level 5/6 Booklet (pkg 25)

SKU : 111CGT

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CogAT Machine Scoreable Test Booklets Level 7 Booklet (pkg 25)

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CogAT Machine Scoreable Test Booklets Level 8 Booklet (pkg 25)

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CogAT Machine Scoreable Test Booklets Level 9 Booklet (pkg 5)

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Purpose: To assess students’ reasoning abilities to provide guidance around instructional decisions and strategies

Age: Prep to Year 12

Administration: Group

By measuring three separate cognitive domains, the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) provides a broad perspective on a student by identifying strengths and weaknesses other instruments would miss.

The three cognitive domains include:

  1. Verbal reasoning abilities
  2. Quantitative reasoning abilities
  3. Non-verbal reasoning abilities

Key Features

  • High reliability and validity ensure educators can trust the results, even for high-stakes decision-making
  • ELL-friendly test construction provides equity and fairness
  • Unique Ability Profiles are linked to instructional strategies, enabling teachers to adapt instruction to each student’s learning preferences
  • Provides a reliable and valid measure when determining eligibility for gifted and talented programs
  • New Screening Form option offers shorter administration time for a quick data point
  • Maximises identification of students across all subgroup populations
  • Offers a choice of administration modes so that educators may select the option that best suits their needs
  • Greatly expanded ancillary resources provide opportunities for professional development and help to get the most out of testing
  • Attractive and colourful design engages students
  • Addition of more rigorous items at each level measures a broad range of abilities at each level.

Recommended Year Levels

Test Booklet 5/6: Prep

Test Booklet 7: Year 1

Test Booklet 8: Year 2

Test Booklet 9: Year 3

Test Booklet 10: Year 4

Test Booklet 11: Year 5

Test Booklet 12: Year 6

Test Booklet 13/14: Years 7 & 8

Test Booklet 15/16: Years 9 & 10

Test Booklet 17/18: Years 11 & 12

View the new CogAT Research Paper - The Essentials: Using Ability Tests in Gifted and Talented Identification Programs.

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