ASRS Parent Quickscore Form 6–18 Years (DSM-5 Update) (pkg 25)

Author(s) : Sam Goldstein and Jack A. Naglieri

Publisher : MHS, 2014

SKU : 703ASR

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The Autism Spectrum Rating Scales (ASRS) can be used to identify symptoms, behaviours and associated features of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in children from 2-18 years of age.

It is an easy-to-use and convenient tool intended for psychologists, school psychologists, clinical social workers, physicians, counsellors, psychiatric workers and pediatric/psychiatric nurses.

When used in combination with other assessment information, results from the ASRS can help guide clinicians diagnostic decisions, treatment planning, ongoing monitoring of response to intervention, and evaluating the effectiveness of a treatment program for a child with an ASD.

The ASRS Parent Quickscore form 6-18 Years consists of 71 items, and is completed by the parent. The parent marks their responses on the outer layers of the form, and the results transfer through to the scoring grid within the internal layers.

The clinician will then use these results on the internal layers to score, using the conversion tables.

This form has been updated for DSM-5 symptom criteria for ASD.

Sam Goldstein and Jack A. Naglieri

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