Starting at $69.50
Starting at $13.95
Starting at $69.50
A Handbook for Improved School Performance Management in your School
ISBN13 : 9780864317490
Author(s) : Vic Zbar, Graham Marshall and Paul Power
Publisher : ACER Press, 2007
SKU : 9780864317490
Performance management is an essential element of any school's strategy to build and maintain a strong and vibrant professional culture that supports high-quality teaching and high-quality learning.
Providing a series of practical guides for principals, team leaders and teachers, this 'professional toolkit' specifically examines the "how" of performance management in schools.
It sets out a performance management process appropriate for a future-oriented teaching profession, emphasising the importance of self-management, continuing professional development and lifelong self-directed improvement.
Better Schools, Better Teachers, Better Results shows how to provide objective and constructive feedback on teacher performance by highlighting areas of strength on which to build, and identifying shortcomings to be redressed through targeted training and other developmental support.
Schools with existing system level requirements around performance management gain a means of examining the way they are implemented, in order to gain greater benefit from what is already in place. For schools that have developed their own mechanisms for managing performance, this title will enable them to reflect on their existing purposes and processes to see where they might be able to improve.