BPM 6-18 Parent Form (both sexes) (pkg 50)

Author(s) : Thomas M. Achenbach

Publisher : ASEBA, 2011

SKU : 180QS

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The Brief Problem Monitor (BPM) can evaluate responses to interventions (RTIs) and can monitor functioning in school, inpatient, partial hospitalisation, residential, and other settings

BPM forms are completed by parents, teachers, or youths in 1-2 minutes to rate functioning over user-selected periods of days, weeks, or months. The items are from the CBCL/6-18, TRF, and YSR. They are scored on Internalizing (INT), Attention Problems (ATT), Externalizing (EXT), and Total Problems (TOT) scales.

The BPM 6-18 Parent Form is completed by parent/parent figures. It is completed at user defined periods of days, weeks or months, and forms take approximately 1 to 2 minutes to complete. Parallel items & scales on the BPM & the CBCL 6-18 enable users to link comprehensive initial & outcome assessments to BPM scores.

All BPM Forms all come with the 12-page BPM Manual.

Thomas M. Achenbach

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