Author(s) : Dr Jack Naglieri and Dr Sam Goldstein
Publisher : MHS, 2017
SKU : E889
Deficits in executive function can impair problem solving, reasoning, and adaptive behaviour, making even the simplest tasks a challenge. Comprehensive Executive Function Inventory - Adult (CEFI Adult) is a comprehensive assessment of executive function strengths and weaknesses for adults that delivers highly accurate results based on extensive norming.
View the CEFI Adult Scales here
The CEFI Adult is available through the MHS Online Assessment Center. The MHS Online Assessment Center provides professionals the ability to administer, score and generate reports online. It also allows for printing of forms for client completion, and response entry from paper administrations.
The CEFI Adult Observer Online Form allows completion of this form online. The observer will select and enter their responses on screen (the clinician is then provided with a report). This option requires 1 Online Form per client.
For individuals who do not wish to administer the CEFI Adult online, the MHS Online Assessment Center provides the capability of printing paper-and-pencil forms on demand. This option requires 1 Online Form (allows the printing of 1 Form, and online scoring and reporting).
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Examples of areas of speciality: Psychiatry, Paediatrics