Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) 6-18 Handscoring Profiles for GIRLS (pkg 50)

Author(s) : Thomas M. Achenbach

Publisher : ASEBA 2001

SKU : 621QS

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The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) School Age 6-18 enables practitioners to efficiently obtain standardised ratings and descriptive details of children's functioning as seen by parents (using the CBCL 6-18) and teachers (using the TRF 6-18). The Youth Self Report (YSR) 11-18 Form also obtains the youth's view of their own functioning.

The CBCL 6-18 Handscoring Profiles provide an easy way to see the competencies and problems reported for the child, by displaying each item and scale score on the profile, displayed in a graph format.

For the CBCL 6-18 and TRF 6-18, there are separate profiles for boys and girls, that display gender-specific norms for ages 6-11 and 12-18 (contents of the scales remain the same for both genders and age groups).

For the YSR 11-18, the norms for both genders are displayed on the same profile form.

The CBCL 6-18 Manual provides instructions on how to transfer data from the CBCL 6-18 Form to the profile.

Profiles for scoring the CBCL 6-18 include 3 competence scales:

  1. Total Competence
  2. 8 cross-informant syndromes
  3. Internalizing, Externalizing, & Total Problems
Thomas M. Achenbach

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