CogAT Screening Form Reusable Test Booklet Level 13/14 (pkg 25)

Publisher : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012

SKU : 118COG

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The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Screening Form provides a fast, reliable and valid data point for determining eligibility for gifted and talented programs. The CogAT Screening Form consists of the analogies portion of each Battery from the full version CogAT form (Verbal/Picture Analogies, Number Analogies and Figure Matrices).

The CogAT Level 13/14 Reusable Test Booklets are available in packs of 5 or 25.

All Test Booklets include directions for administration.

Reusable Test Booklets require a separate corresponding answer sheet, where students complete their responses. The Test Booklets can be re-used, but answer sheets are replaced each time testing takes place.

The seperate answer sheets can be scored by Data Manager via ACER's test scoring services, or can be scored by hand using the Norms and Score Conversions Guide.

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