Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing - Second Edition (CTOPP-2)

Author(s) : Richard K. Wagner, Joseph K. Torgesen, Carol A. Rashotte and Nils A. Pearson

Publisher : Pro-Ed USA, 2013


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Purpose: Asses phonological processing

Ages: 4-24 years

Time: 40 minutes

The Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing Second Edition (CTOPP-2) is an assessment of reading-related phonological processing skills.

The CTOPP-2 can be used to identify individuals who are significantly below their peers in important phonological abilities, to determine strengths and weaknesses among developed phonological processes, to document individuals' progress in phonological processing as a consequence of special intervention programs, and to serve as a measurement device in research studies investigating phonological processing.

Key Features

  • All new normative data were collected in 2008 and 2009
  • The floor effects present in the 5- and 6-year-old version of the first edition have been eliminated by the addition of easier items and the ceilings were extended by the addition of more difficult items
  • The model of phonological processing abilities has been clarified
  • Age and grade equivalents show the relative standing of individuals’ scores
  • A new Rasch-based developmental score is now available for the non-speeded subtests.

CTOPP-2 Subtests

  • Elision: Measures the ability to remove phonological segments from spoken words to form other words.
  • Blending Words: Measures the ability to synthesize sounds to form words.
  • Sound Matching: Measures the ability to select words with the same initial and final sounds.
  • Phoneme Isolation: Measures the ability to isolate individual sounds within words.
  • Blending Nonwords: Measures the ability to synthesize sounds to form nonwords.
  • Segmenting Nonwords: Measures the ability to segment nonwords into phonemes.
  • Memory for Digits: Measures the ability to repeat numbers accurately.
  • Nonword Repetition: Measures the ability to repeat nonwords accurately.
  • Rapid Digit Naming: Measures the ability to rapidly name numbers.
  • Rapid Letter Naming: Measures the ability to rapidly name letters.
  • Rapid Color Naming: Measures the ability to rapidly name colors.
  • Rapid Object Naming: Measures the ability to rapidly name objects.

The CTOPP-2 yields six types of normative scores: age and grade equivalents, percentile ranks, subtest scaled scores, composite indexes, and developmental scores. Percentile ranks are easily understood by parents and others with whom the examiner might want to share the results.

Please note: The Core and Supplemental subtest CD-ROMs have been replaced with web access information in the Examiner's Manual.

Richard K. Wagner, Joseph K. Torgesen, Carol A. Rashotte and Nils A. Pearson

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