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Building a school of professional practice
ISBN13 : 9780864316318
Author(s) : Michelle Anderson and Christine Cawsey
Publisher : ACER Press, 2008
SKU : A4017BK
What kinds of school leadership are required to meet the challenges of good schooling in a knowledge society?
Part of the Educational Leadership Dialogue series, Learning for Leadership explores how school principals can initiate and maintain programs and practices to develop the leadership potential of teachers in their school at different levels (within schools, teacher leadership, co-leadership of school-to-school networks).
Presenting a theory and case study format, it explains the theory behind the concept of educational leadership and then tells the story of a school much admired for its leadership development.
Part I focuses on a number of issues in the field of school leadership (changing context, who gets to lead and how, implications etc.) whilst Part II identifies conditions under which learning for student-focused leadership can be facilitated and strengthened at an individual school level.
Michelle Anderson is co-author of Standards for School Leadership (for Teaching Australia) and the Australian Country Background Report for the OECD's Improving School Leadership Activity (for DEST). Previously, she was a researcher for England's National College for School Leadership. She is doing a PhD in school leadership with the University of London.
Christine Cawsey is Principal of Rooty Hill High School, a comprehensive 7-12 school in Sydney. In 2007, she was a winner in the National Awards for Quality Schooling for Excellence by a Principal. She is Deputy President of the NSWSPC and her academic interests include school culture, communication, leadership development and quality teaching.