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Monteiro Interview Guidelines for Diagnosing the Autism Spectrum, 2nd Edition (MIGDAS-2)
The following qualifications are required to purchase this product.
S1: Psychology
S2: Speech Therapist
S3: Occupational Therapist
S4: Social Work
S6: Special Education
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For further assistance please contact ACER Sales Support Team on +61 3 9277 5656 or email
The following qualifications are required to purchase this product.
Restricted (R)
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For further assistance please contact ACER Sales Support Team on +61 3 9277 5656 or email
Online Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) & Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Screening Form
The following qualifications are required to purchase this product.
Schools (SCH)
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For further assistance please contact ACER Sales Support Team on +61 3 9277 5656 or email
Monteiro Interview Guidelines for Diagnosing the Autism Spectrum, 2nd Edition (MIGDAS-2)
The following qualifications are required to purchase this product.
S1: Psychology
S2: Speech Therapist
S3: Occupational Therapist
S4: Social Work
S6: Special Education
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For further assistance please contact ACER Sales Support Team on +61 3 9277 5656 or email
The following qualifications are required to purchase this product.
Bachelor's Degree
Schools (SCH)
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For further assistance please contact ACER Sales Support Team on +61 3 9277 5656 or email
The following qualifications are required to purchase this product.
Human Resources (HR)
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The Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, Third Edition (ABAS-3) is a comprehensive, norm-referenced assessment of adaptive skills needed to effectively and independently care for oneself, respond to others and meet environmental demands at home, school, work or community.
The ABAS-3 Online is accessed via the WPS Online Evaluation System ( The WPS Online Evaluation System offers convenient ABAS-3 administration, scoring, and intervention planning.
Online testing allows clinicians to:
Administer all forms remotely or in-person
Check the status of an administration at any time
Score and report automatically
Create customised intervention plans
Easily monitor an individual's progress over time
Quickly compare two raters' scores
The Online ABAS-3 Adult Kit includes:
Online ABAS-3 eManual
Online ABAS-3 Intervention Planner
15 Online Form Uses for Adult (rated by others)
10 Online Form Uses for Adult (self-report)
Patti L. Harrison and Thomas Oakland
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Please contact ACER Customer Service on +61 3 9007 2048 if you have any queries.
The following qualifications are required to purchase this product.
S1: Psychology
Please login or create a new account to register your qualifications. You can register within your account via My Profile > My Qualifications.
For further assistance please contact ACER Sales Support Team on +61 3 9277 5656 or email