Online Conners CATA® Credit (pkg 5)

Publisher : MHS, 2024

SKU : E1266

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Age: 8+; Admin time: 14 minutes; Format: Online

The Conners CATA® Online assesses auditory processing and attention-related problems for an in-depth assessment of attention in individuals aged 8 years and older.

During the 14-minute, 200-trial administration, respondents are presented with high-tone sounds that are either preceded by a low-tone warning sound (warned trials) or played alone (unwarned trials). Respondents are instructed to respond only to high-tone sounds on warned trials and to ignore those on unwarned trials. On most trials, the low-tone and the high-tone sounds are played in the same ear (non-switch trials). On switch trials, the low-tone warning sound and the high-tone target sound are played in different ears, requiring the respondent to shift auditory attention from one ear to the other.

Conners CATA Online can be used in conjunction with the Conners CPT 3 Online.

Purchase credits for the Conners CATA Online and select either the Assessment Report or Progress Report at the time of testing (no additional charge based on report selection).

  • Assessment Report: Provides detailed results from a single administration. An individual’s scores are compared to those in the normative sample, and elevations at the scale and subscale level are indicated.
  • Progress Report (due March 2025): Provides an overview of change over time by combining and comparing results between two to four administrations. These reports are ideal to use when monitoring treatment and intervention effectiveness.

Please note credits for the Conners CPT-3, Conners CATA and Conners K-CPT 2 are sold separately.

Access to the Conners CATA Online Digital Manual is included with all purchases.

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