Publisher : NCAST, 2015
SKU : 991PCI
The Parent-Child Interaction (PCI) Feeding & Teaching Scales are a well-developed set of observable behaviours that describe caregiver/parent child interaction in either a feeding or teaching situation.
The PCI Scales can provide concrete areas to guide intervention, transform the provider's view of the parent-child relationship and give the provider a new lens with which to see the strengths and opportunities for growth in the parent-child relationship.
The Feeding Scale is organised into six subscales representing 76 items. Four subscales describe the parent's responsibility to the interaction (Sensitivity to Cues, Response to Distress, Social-Emotional Growth Fostering and Cognitive Growth Fostering) and two subscales describe the child's responsibilities (Clarity of Cues and Responsiveness to Caregiver).
The Feeding Scale takes the same amount of time as a feeding to administer. It is a reliable and valid mean of observing and rating caregiver-child interaction during either a breast, bottle or table food feeding/eating episode.
The PCI Feeding (2nd ed.) includes the Feeding Scale materials:
Please Note: Training is required to purchase the PCI. The name of a certified PCI Instructor is required when ordering.
Training Programs (in Victoria) are provided by the following organisations: