Parenting Stress Index Short Form - Fourth Edition (PSI-4-SF)

Author(s) : Richard R. Abidin

Publisher : PAR, 2012


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Purpose: Quickly identify parent-child problem areas

Age: 1 month-12 years

Time: 10 minutes

The Parenting Stress Index 4th Edition Short Form (PSI-4-SF) is a 36-item abbreviated version of the full-length Parenting Stress Index 4th Edition (PSI-4). The PSI-4-SF's brevity allows primary health care providers to identify and target those families most in need of follow-up services.

One simple form contains all you need for administering the measure, scoring and profiling results. 

The items are divided into three domains:

  1. Parental Distress (PD)
  2. Parent-Child Dysfunctional Interaction (P-CDI)
  3. Difficult Child (DC)

These three domains combine to form a Total Stress scale.

The PSI-4-SF can be administered and scored by hand or can be administered and scored online via PARiConnect.

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Richard R. Abidin

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