PAS Handscorable Response Form (pkg 50)

Author(s) : Leslie C. Morey

Publisher : PAR, 1991

SKU : 100PAS

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A quick personality screener, the Personality Assessment Screener (PAS) is derived from the full-length Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI).

The 22 PAS items are those from the PAI that are the most sensitive to a broad range of contemporary clinical problems.

The PAS can help determine the need for follow-up with a full evaluation of psychopathology, focus initial client interviews on specific problem areas, and target certain clinical areas for follow-up testing.

The PAS can be administered and scored by hand, via the PAI Software Portfolio (PAI-SP) and online (PARiConnect).

The PAS Handscorable Response Form provides instructions to the respondent on how to complete the Form, followed by the 22 PAS items.

The bottom part of the Form provides the information for scoring and translating the PAS results to interpret ranges for the full scale and element raw scores.

Leslie C. Morey

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