PAT Maths 4th ed. User Guide PDF

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Publisher : ACER Press

SKU : EP082

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PAT Maths 4th ed. is used to monitor progress in mathematics and to provide teachers with diagnostic information to inform teaching, for Years 1 -10. PAT Maths 4th ed. contains new test items and more difficult tests compared to the previous editions, and tests/items are designed to assess the strands and levels described in the Australian Mathematics Curriculum.

The PAT Maths 4th ed. User Guide is a short 'how-to' to testing with PAT Maths. Making administration for teachers quick and easy, each teacher will benefit from using their copy of the User Guide when using PAT Maths.

The User Guide provides a quick how-to for: Selecting the appropriate passage for your students Administering the assessment Scoring Interpreting norm tables and reports.

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