Pediatric Behavior Rating Scale (PBRS)

Author(s) : Mark P. Jensen

Publisher : PAR, 2008


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Online PBRS i-Admins (pkg 5)

SKU : E589

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Online PBRS Score Reports (pkg 5)

SKU : E590

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Purpose: To assist in the identification of symptoms associated with early onset bipolar disorder

Age: 3-18 years

Time: 15-20 minutes

Format: Online

The Pediatric Behavior Rating Scale (PBRS) is a standardised, norm-referenced parent and teacher rating scale that assists you in identifying comorbid disorders as well as in differentiating disorders that have symptoms and behavioural characteristics that are similar to those of early onset bipolar disorder.

The PBRS provides a Total Bipolar Index (TBX), a robust measure that differentiates between clinical and non-clinical groups. It also provides a number of scales that identify specific symptoms:

  • Atypical (behaviours associated with psychotic disorders)
  • Irritability
  • Grandiosity (elevated sense of self and mood)
  • Hyperactivity/Impulsivity
  • Aggression (targeting people, animals and/or objects)
  • Inattention (and distractibility)
  • Affect (mood changes)
  • Social Interactions (ability to interact with peers)

Key Features

  • Multi-informant approach allows you to evaluate a child’s or an adolescent’s symptoms and behavioural characteristics both at home and at school: Parent and teacher responses provide setting-specific information
  • Items address elements that are unique to early onset bipolar disorder
  • Used in educational settings, the PBRS provides educators with a more complete picture of the child’s symptom complex so that they can work with parents and other professionals to better determine the importance of these symptoms and to structure activities in the classroom.
Mark P. Jensen

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