Personal Well-Being Lessons for Secondary Schools

Positive psychology in action for 11 to 14 year olds

ISBN13 : 9780335246168

Author(s) : Ilona Boniwell and Lucy Ryan

Publisher : Mcgraw Hill Education, 2012

SKU : 9780335246168

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This book offers practitioners working with 11 to 14 year olds a highly practical education resource for running personal well-being lessons, backed up by scientific research from the field of positive psychology.

Personal Well-Being Lessons for Secondary Schools is divided into six subject headings, with six lessons offered per subject area. This will allow you to run a programme with between 6 to 36 lessons. The six core concepts within positive psychology for young people are:

  1. Positive Self
  2. Positive Body
  3. Positive Emotions
  4. Positive Mindsets
  5. Positive Direction
  6. Positive Relationships.

The authors ensure that the lessons are easy to understand, to lead and to manage by ensuring each lesson contains a suggested 60 minute outline lesson plan, the main body or the 'how-to' of running the lesson, suggested homework where appropriate and academic references and resources.

This is a must-have resource for teachers, SEAL co-ordinators, educational psychologists and youth and community workers looking to deliver a personal well-being curriculum.

Ilona Boniwell and Lucy Ryan