Practise Now! Victoria Police Entrance Examination 3rd Edition PDF

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ISBN13 : 9781742866413

Author(s) : Jan Hagston and Lee Kindler

Publisher : ACER Press, 2021

SKU : EP106

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Updated text (Introduction, Chapter 5, Chapter 7 and Appendix) for existing book to support applicants for the Victorian Police entrance exam.

Practise Now! Victoria Police Entrance Examination Third Edition provides valuable preparation for candidates applying to Victoria Police to become Police Officers or Protective Service Officers.

This book will help you build your confidence in each of the seven areas assessed as part of the entrance exam. It identifies specific skills required, describes a range of question types you are likely to encounter and provides detailed explanations of how correct answers may be reached.

This is the most comprehensive and informative resource available for Victoria Police examination preparation. Be prepared. Be confident. Be ready, with Practise Now! Victoria Police Entrance Examination Third Edition.

Key features:

  • Provides detailed breakdowns of the types of tasks involved in each section of the exam.
  • Suggests helpful strategies for building the kinds of skills required to overcome difficult problems.
  • Proposes exam-day tactics including time management approaches.
  • Contains abundant example and practice questions, with detailed answers, to help you hone your skills.

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Jan Hagston and Lee Kindler