Rey Complex Figure Test And Recognition Trial (RCFT)

Author(s) : John E. Meyers and Kelly R. Meyers

Publisher : PAR, 1995


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RCFT Test Booklet (pkg 50)

SKU : 100REY

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Purpose: To measure visuospatial ability and visuospatial memory

Age: 6-89 years

Time: 45 minutes

The Rey Complex Figure Test and Recognition Trial (RCFT) standardises the materials and procedures for administering the Rey complex figure, measures recognition memory for the elements of the Rey complex figure, and assesses the respondent’s ability to use cues to retrieve information.

Appropriate for use with children and adults, the instrument enables you to gather information on major aspects of neuropsychological functioning.

The RCFT measures 5 domains of neuropsychological functioning:

  1. Visuospatial recall memory
  2. Visuospatial recognition memory
  3. Response bias
  4. Processing speed
  5. Visuospatial constructional ability

Scoring of drawings is based on the widely used 36-point scoring system; the same scoring criteria apply to all three drawing trials (i.e., Copy trial, 3-minute Immediate Recall trial, and 30-minute Delayed Recall trial). Each of the 18 scoring units is scored based on accuracy and placement criteria, and scoring examples are provided.

Key Features

  • Standardises a common stimulus

The 8½" × 11" stimulus card contains a computer-rendered replica of the original Rey complex figure.

  • Reliable discriminating power

The RCFT has been shown to discriminate mildly brain-injured patients from normal patients; it also discriminates brain-damaged patients with documented memory impairment who are able to live independently from those who are not and distinguishes deficient performance due to motor impairment from deficient performance due to memory impairment.

  • Diagnostically powerful

Studies show that the Recognition trial provides incremental diagnostic power compared with using recall trials alone.

  • Identifies possible causes of memory deficits

The RCFT evaluates the relative contributions of encoding, storage, and retrieval processes to memory performance.

John E. Meyers and Kelly R. Meyers

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