Socially Speaking Book

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ISBN13 : 978-1855032521

Author(s) : Alison Schroeder

Publisher : LDA, 1998

SKU : 1800BK

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Socially Speaking is a unique social skills programme that will help teachers introduce and practise skills your pupils need to develop and maintain relationships and to lead independent lives outside the school context.

The programme lasts a whole school year and is divided into three units:

  • Let's Communicate
  • Let's Be Friends
  • Let's Practise

As pupils progress through their carefully structured programme, their self-esteem will increase, their listening skills and expressive language abilities improve, and everyone will benefit from enhanced social interaction.

Socially Speaking contains teacher's notes, 150 photocopiable A4 illustrated worksheets, assessment and evaluation forms.

The Socially Speaking Game compliments the Book, by teaching and reinforcing important social skills using a variety of role-playing and problem-solving activities. The game focuses on social interaction in three key areas: home, school, and the wider community.

Alison Schroeder is a Speech and Language therapist and primary school teacher who has written a number of social skills and language resources including Socially Speaking and Time to Talk.

She has over 19 years' experience of working with children with language and communication difficulties and specialises in the area of social communication.