Teacher-Parent Collaboration

Early childhood to adolescence

ISBN13 : 9780864316233

Author(s) : Dr Louise Porter

Publisher : ACER Press, 2008

SKU : A4012BK

Available for backorder

Teacher-Parent Collaboration is a practical guide for teachers who want to improve relationships with the parents of their students. It empowers teachers with the skills and confidence necessary for productive collaboration and addresses a range of issues that affect children's functioning and achievement.

Teacher-Parent Collaboration presents jargon-free and solution-based approaches and employs a solution-focused approach which honours the diversity of families, respects the expertise of both parents and teachers and promotes authentic communication between them.

It describes specific challenges that arise in schools and early childhood settings which commonly require collaboration between teachers and parents. Separate chapters outline how teachers can respond to the needs of parents whose children:

  • Have disabilities or chronic illness
  • Are gifted learners
  • Are displaying disruptive or aggressive behaviour (including bullying) at school
  • Whose families are enduring adversity or are themselves experiencing child neglect or abuse.

This book describes how teachers can collaborate with parents to resolve these challenges to improve the children's functioning and achievement throughout their education years.

Dr Louise Porter PhD, MA (Hons), M.Gifted.Ed, Dip.Ed is a child psychologist and trained teacher with almost 30 years' experience working with young children, their parents and educators. She has published widely and is currently an adjunct senior lecturer in Education at Flinders University, South Australia.