Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test - Second Edition (UNIT 2)

Author(s) : Bruce A. Bracken and R. Steve McCallum

Publisher : Pro-Ed USA, 2016


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Purpose: To measure general intelligence/cognitive ability

Age: 5-21 years

Time: Abbreviated Battery: 10-15 minutes; Standard Batteries: 30 minutes; Full Scale Battery: 45-60 minutes

Format: Hard-copy; Online (Scoring Only)

The Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test-Second Edition (UNIT 2) is designed to provide a fair assessment of intelligence for individuals who have speech, language or hearing impairments, different cultural or language backgrounds, or are verbally uncommunicative.

UNIT2 consists of six subtests:

  1. Symbolic Memory
  2. Nonsymbolic Quantity
  3. Analogic Reasoning
  4. Spatial Memory
  5. Numerical Series
  6. Cube Design

In addition, the following seven composite scores are available: Memory, Reasoning, Quantitative, Abbreviated Battery, Standard Battery with Memory, Standard Battery without Memory, Full Scale Battery.

Criterion-prediction studies indicate large to very large correlations with CAS2, WISC-IV, SB-5, CTONI-2, WJ III Cognitive, and UMAS.

Key Features

  • All new normative sample.
  • New Quantitative subtests replace Object Memory and Mazes.
  • Offers Abbreviated Battery, Standard Battery With Memory, Standard Battery Without Memory, and Full Scale Battery.
  • Provides an entirely nonverbal stimulus-and-response administration format.
  • All new studies of reliability and validity, including studies of diagnostic accuracy, particularly rigorous techniques involving the computation of sensitivity, specificity, and receiver operating characteristics/area under the curve.
  • New upward extension of normative tables through age 21 years 11months.
  • Offers a wide breadth of use with exceptional students, including those with intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, and giftedness.
  • Provides a fair assessment of culturally and linguistically different examinees, including deaf and hard of hearing individuals.
  • Reduces situational sources of test bias.
  • Incorporates full colour stimuli, manipulatives, and pointing response modes to engage examinees.

New Online Scoring Now Available!

Available as a 1 year subscription, the new PC, Mac, and tablet-compatible UNIT2 Online Scoring and Report System is an efficient and easy way to obtain UNIT2 scores and corresponding narrative. Use UNIT2 online to

  • Convert UNIT2 subtest raw scores into standard scores, percentile ranks, descriptive terms, and age equivalents
  • Generate Abbreviated Battery, Standard Battery With Memory, Standard Battery Without Memory, and Full Scale composite scores
  • Compare UNIT2 subtest and composite scores to identify significant intra-individual differences
  • Provide a MS Word or PDF report of UNIT2 performance.

Sample Online UNIT 2 Standard Report

Sample Online UNIT 2 Detailed Report

Bruce A. Bracken and R. Steve McCallum

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