WH Inference Question Cards Combo

Who? What? When? Where? Why?

Publisher : Super Duper Publications

SKU : 805WHH

In stock

Once students learn to ask and answer basic "WH" questions (Who, What, When, Where, and Why), the WH Inferencing Cards Combo helps them reach the next stage of "WH"development - inferencing.

Each of the included five card decks Who?, What?, When?, Where?, and Why? contain 56 double-sided cards.

Side A has a colourful picture and a "WH" question ("Why is Karla waving?"). This picture provides clues the children must use to infer the correct answer.

Side B has a second, related picture and the answer ("She is going on a trip.").

Each set is attached to a long-lasting metal ring for convenient use and storage. Leave the cards on the rings as you teach or remove the cards as desired (and reattach them later).

Each "WH" Inference deck includes:

  • 56 illustrated double-sided question/answer cards
  • Content and game idea cards
  • Colour-coded "WH" key ring
  • Contained in a sturdy metal box for storage

Suitable for PreK and above.