Why Not the Best Schools? The US Report

ISBN13 : 9780864319951

Author(s) : Yong Zhao, Ruhui Ni, Wenzhong Yang, Qi Chen and Gaoming Zhang

Publisher : ACER Press, 2008

SKU : A4076BK

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Expectations have been raised in Australia and comparable countries for an 'education revolution' that will secure success for all students in all settings. Such a revolution must ensure the alignment of educational outcomes, the skills required for a strong economy, and the needs of a harmonious society.

Why Not the Best Schools? The US Report is part of a set of six country reports that support the title Why not the best schools?

The US Report contains five case studies of successful schools in the United States and examines the reasons behind their success.

Yong Zhao, Ruhui Ni, Wenzhong Yang, Qi Chen and Gaoming Zhang