Career Values Card Sort – Revised

Author(s) : Richard L. Knowdell

Publisher : Career Development Network, 2006


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Exploring Your Career Values Workbook

SKU : 1052BK

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Career Values Card Sort Cards

SKU : 602UE

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Career Values Worksheet (pkg 1)

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Purpose: Identify values important in career choice

Time: Untimed - as little as 5 minutes

Age: Adolescents and adults

The Career Values Card Sort is designed to help clients identify and clarify their career values.

The cards sample 54 aspects of career-related preferences such as

  • Time
  • Freedom
  • Precision work
  • Excitement
  • Recognition
  • Public contact.

The client is asked to sort each card into five categories (from always valued to never valued).

The materials can be used with persons contemplating a change of career as well as with job seekers.

The Exploring Your Career Values Workbook includes guidelines for counsellors and group facilitators, an overview of values and their role in career decision making, instructions for the individual user, and five supplementary activities for further clarification of career values.

Richard L. Knowdell