Occupational Interests Card Sort

Author(s) : Richard L. Knowdell

Publisher : Career Development Network, 2005


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Occupational Interests Card Sort Manual

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Occupational Interests Card Sort Cards

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Occupational Interests Worksheets (pkg 1)

SKU : 301VD

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Purpose: Identify interest in a range of occupations

Age: Adolescents and Adults

Time: Untimed

The Occupational Interests Card Sort can be used to quickly identify and rank occupational interests.

The 110 cards clarify:

  • High-appeal jobs and fields
  • Degree of readiness
  • Skills and knowledge needed
  • Competency-building steps for entry or progress within an occupation.

The client is required to sort each card into five categories ranging from definitely interested, through indifferent, to definitely not interested.

Because several of the exercises assume a work history, the materials are best suited to use with mature age clients.

Richard L. Knowdell