Clinical Assessment of Behavior (CAB)

Author(s) : Bruce A. Bracken and Lori K. Keith

Publisher : PAR, 2004


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CAB Professional eManual

SKU : EP158

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Online CAB i-Admins (pkg 5)

SKU : E579

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Online CAB Score Reports (pkg 5)

SKU : E580

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Online CAB-PX i-Admins (pkg 5)

SKU : E581

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Purpose: Assess adjustment, psychosocial strengths and weaknesses, and problem behaviours in ages 2-18 years (parent ratings) and 5-18 years (teacher ratings)

Age: Parent Rating (2-18 years); Teacher Rating (5-18 years)

Time: 10-15 minutes (Standard Form); 30 minutes (Extended Form)

The Clinical Assessment of Behavior (CAB) is an objective and comprehensive behaviour ratings scale that is closely aligned with current diagnostic criteria found in the DSM-IV-TR. It enables professionals to identify behaviours associated with educationally relevant exceptionalities.

The CAB assesses behaviours that reflect current societal concerns and issues about youth and their behaviour (e.g., bullying, aggression, executive function, gifted and talented).

The CAB includes three separate rating forms:

  1. Parent Extended [CAB-PX]
  2. Parent
  3. Teacher

All three forms contain corresponding items, allowing parents and teachers to contribute equally to the evaluation of target behaviours.

The CAB assesses behaviours that reflect current societal concerns and issues about youth and their behaviour (e.g., bullying, aggression, executive function, gifted and talented).

Included with the introductory kit, the CAB Software Portfolio (CAB-SP) calculates raw scores, T scores, and percentiles for all scales and clusters after hand-entry of item responses. The software generates unlimited complete Score Reports and profiles for all CAB forms.

CAB-SP Teacher Sample Report

CAB-SP Parent Extended Sample Report

Alternatively, the CAB and CAB-PX can be administered and scored online via PARiConnect. 

All PARiConnect purchases made directly through ACER include dedicated local support. Contact our Customer Service Team to set up your account today.

Bruce A. Bracken and Lori K. Keith

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