Publisher : ASEBA
Age: 6-18 years
Time: 15-20 minutes
The Child Behavior Checklist 6-18 (CBCL 6-18) consists of three forms:
The CBCL 6-18 obtains parents' or surrogates’ reports of children's competencies & problems. It is completed by parents and others who see the children in home-like settings.
The TRF 6-18 is completed by teachers and other school staff who have known the child in school settings for at least 2 months. It obtains teachers' ratings of many of the problems rated on the CBCL 6-18 Form, plus additional items appropriate for teachers.
The YSR 11-18 is completed by 11-18 year olds to describe their own functioning. It has most of the same competence & problem items as the CBCL 6-18, and open-ended responses to items covering physical problems, concerns, and strengths. Fourteen CBCL problem items are replaced with socially desirable items endorsed by most youths.
The following cross-informant syndromes were derived from these forms:
DSM-oriented scales
The DSM-5 Oriented Scales comprise items identified by experts from many cultures as very consistent with DSM-5 categories. The six DSM-oriented scales are:
The DSM-oriented scales are scored from all three forms. Inattention and Hyperactivity-Impulsivity subscales are also scored from the TRF Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Problems scale.
The CBCL 6-18, TRF 6-18 and YSR 11-18 can be administered and scored by hand, or online via ASEBA-WEB. Completed forms may also be scored via ASEBA-PC Software.