Multicultural Supplement to the Manual for the ASEBA School-Age Forms & Profiles

Author(s) : Thomas M. Achenbach

Publisher : ASEBA , 2007

SKU : 518QS

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The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) School Age 6-18 enables practitioners to efficiently obtain standardised ratings and descriptive details of children's functioning as seen by parents (using the CBCL 6-18) and teachers (using the TRF 6-18). The Youth Self Report (YSR) 11-18 Form also obtains the youth's view of their own functioning.

The Multicultural Supplement to the Manual for the ASEBA School-Age Forms & Profiles explains the development and use of the multicultural norms, including:

  • Sources of multicultural data
  • Research basis for multicultural norms
  • Confirmatory factor analyses supporting CBCL/6-18, TRF, and YSR syndromes in dozens of societies
  • Construction of Obsessive-Compulsive Problems, Stress Problems, Sluggish Cognitive Tempo, and Positive Qualities scales
  • Multicultural cross-informant correlations and internal consistencies
  • Multicultural case illustrations in mental health, school, medical, and forensic settings
  • Multicultural research applications
Thomas M. Achenbach

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