Publisher : ASEBA, 2015


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ASEBA-Web 1 Year Subscription (Inc 50 free e-units)

SKU : E6100

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ASEBA-Web 1 Year Subscription Renewal (Inc 15 free e-units)

SKU : E6101

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ASEBA-Web E-Units Package of 100

SKU : E6102

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ASEBA-Web E-Units Package of 500

SKU : E6103

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ASEBA-Web is the successor to the previous online platform, ASEBA Web-Link.

ASEBA-Web includes web-based entry, processing, scoring, reporting, cross-informant comparisons and storage of data. It can be used for:

  • CBCL 1.5-5
  • C-TRF 1.5-5
  • LDS
  • CBCL 6-18
  • TRF 6-18
  • YSR 11-18
  • ASR 18-59
  • ABCL 18-59
  • OASR 60-90+
  • OABCL 60-90+
  • Brief Problem Monitor (BPM)

ASEBA-Web cannot be used for the DOF, TOF or SCICA.

This is a subscription service that is renewable on an annual basis and requires e-units to administer, score and report assessments via the web.

Functions of ASEBA-WEB

  • Securely stores your data
  • Print paper forms from ASEBA-Web, for manual completion by informants
  • Key enter data taken from paper forms
  • Fully administer ASEBA to clients and informants online
  • Send request letters to informants to complete forms directly from ASEBA-Web
  • Easily export raw/scored data from ASEBA-Web to SPSS or Excel
  • Easily exports data as PDF files or TIFF files
  • Supports Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox & Safari
  • Available e-units can be viewed at any time
  • Data can be exported to ASEBA-PC Software
  • Score data on ASEBA scales in relation to multicultural norms for ages 1.5-5, 6-18 and 18-59 (plus MFAM)
  • Obtain cross-informant comparisons for ages 1.5-5, 6-18, 18-59 and 60-90+. MFAM cross-informant comparisons of scores from the CBCL 6-18, ASR & ABCL also available.
  • Will automatically provide a personal home page for each informant with access to all their forms

E-Unit Charges

E-units will be deducted from the account for the following functions:

  1. Creating a form for online completion by a client
  2. Printing a paper form for manual completion by a client
  3. Key entering data from a paper form
  4. Scoring a form to produce profiles and a narrative report

ASEBA-Web Tutorial Videos

ASEBA-Web tutorial videos are available to guide you through set up, and all main functions. Click here to view the videos.

The following qualifications are required to access this product. Please login or register to proceed
Please contact ACER Customer Service on +61 3 9007 2048 if you have any queries.

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