Brief Problem Monitor 6-18 (BPM)

Author(s) : Thomas M. Achenbach

Publisher : ASEBA, 2011


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BPM 6-18 Teacher Form (both sexes) (pkg 50)

SKU : 181QS

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BPM 6-18 Parent Form (both sexes) (pkg 50)

SKU : 180QS

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BPM 6-18 Youth Form (both sexes) (pkg 50)

SKU : 182QS

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ASEBA-Web 1 Year Subscription (Inc 50 free e-units)

SKU : E6100

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Purpose: Multi-informant assessment of children’s functioning and responses to interventions (RTIs)

Age: 6-18 years

The Brief Problem Monitor 6-18 (BPM 6-18) forms are completed by parents, teachers, or youths in 1-2 minutes to rate functioning over user-selected periods of days, weeks, or months. The items are from the CBCL/6-18, TRF, and YSR.

They are scored on Internalizing (INT), Attention Problems (ATT), Externalizing (EXT), and Total Problems (TOT) scales.

Key Features

  • BPM 6-18 now available on ASEBA-WEB!
  • Separate forms are completed in 1 to 2 minutes by parent figures (BPM-P), teachers (BPM-T), & youths (BPM-Y)
  • Parallel items and scales on the BPM and the CBCL, TRF & YSR enable users to link comprehensive initial and outcome assessments to BPM scores
  • Users can add items for assessing strengths and problems
  • Completed at user-selected periods of days, weeks, months
  • The BPM counterparts of CBCL/6-18, TRF, and YSR items and scales link BPM assessments closely with the more comprehensive initial and outcome assessments afforded by the CBCL/6-18, TRF, and YSR
  • The BPM-P, BPM-T, and BPM-Y enable users to obtain parallel parent, teacher, and self-ratings
  • Users can add up to 3 problems and/or strengths to be rated and entered and then displayed on the profile

Scale scores cannot be properly interpreted without considering scores obtained by a child’s peers, as rated by particular kinds of informants. For each scale, the BPM software displays T scores and percentiles based on norms for the child’s gender, age group, and the type of informant (parent, teacher, youth).

Based on multicultural data from many societies, the BPM enables users to select norms appropriate for raters from different societies. T scores >65 (>93rd percentile for the relevant norm group) are marked on the bar graphs and trajectories as being high enough to be of concern. In addition to providing scale scores, the BPM software alerts users to scores that are high enough to be of concern.

Resources and Samples

BPM Manual

Sample Cross Informant Comparison

Sample Trajectory of Scale Scores 

Thomas M. Achenbach

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