Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory (ECBI) & Sutter-Eyberg Student Behavior Inventory – Revised (SESBI-R)

Author(s) : Sheila Eyberg

Publisher : PAR, 1999


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Purpose: To measure conduct problems

Age: 2-16 years

Time: 5-10 minutes

The Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory (ECBI) & Sutter-Eyberg Student Behavior Inventory- Revised (SESBI-R) are comprehensive, behaviourally specific rating scales that assess the current frequency and severity of disruptive behaviours in the home and school settings, as well as the extent to which parents and/or teachers find the behaviour troublesome.

By evaluating the variety and frequency of behaviours commonly exhibited by all children, the instrument distinguishes normal behaviour problems from conduct-disordered behaviour in children and adolescents.

Parents complete the 36-item ECBI (assesses the child’s or adolescent’s behaviour at home) and teachers complete the 38-item SESBI-R (assesses the child’s or adolescent’s behaviour at school).

The ECBI and SESBI-R have multiple applications, including identifying and treating disruptive behaviour in children and adolescents, identifying 'high-risk' children for delinquency prevention programs, and evaluating outcomes of treatment programs for conduct-disordered children.

Used together, the ECBI and SESBI-R are reliable and valid instruments for efficient screening and tracking of disruptive behaviours.

Both the ECBI and the SESBI-R can be administered and scored online via PARiConnect.

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Sheila Eyberg

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