Corrective Reading Comprehension (Level B1)

Publisher : SRA McGraw Hill, 2007


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Product Name Qty
Corrective Reading Comprehension (Level B1) – Teacher Materials

SKU : 500CRC

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Corrective Reading Comprehension (Level B1) – Student Workbook

SKU : 100CRC

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The Corrective Reading Series focues on decoding and comprehension, two skills crucial for readers in Years 3 and up who are one or more years behind. It addresses the wide range of deficits many older learners face and gives them the structure and practice they need to overcome those deficits.

The Corrective Reading Comprehension (Level B1) strand teaches students to write, think and speak.

Key Features

  • Contains multiple entry points so students can start at their appropriate skill level
  • Using direct instructiuon strategies, this comprehensive intervention program covers two major strands and four levels to address reading problems
  • Tightly sequenced lessons provide the structure and practice struggling readers need to master high-priority skills and strategies
  • Briskly paced, teacher-directed instruction and special presentation trechniques engage reluctant readers
  • Ongoing assessment enables you to adjust pacing, provide immediate feedback and offer meaningful reinforcement
  • Built-in management rewards hard work and creates enthusiasm by showing students how much they have improved.

Corrective Reading Comprehension (Level B1) develops skills your students need to construct meaning from context-based texts and learn new information efficiently.