Multicultural Supplement for the ASEBA Adult Forms & Profiles

Author(s) : Thomas M. Achenbach

Publisher : ASEBA

SKU : 520QS

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The Adult Self-Report (ASR) and Adult Behaviour Checklist (ABCL) obtains adults' self-reports of diverse aspects of adaptive functioning and problems (ASR), and obtains reports from people who know the adult well (ABCL).

The ASR and ABCL are suitable for use with clients from 18-59 years of age.

The Multicultural Supplement for the ASEBA Adult Forms & Profiles details the construction of multicultural norms, plus the OCP and SCT scales that were added in 2015. Using data from the societies included in the multicultural norm groups, the Supplement reports confirmatory factor analyses that support multicultural applications of the ASR and ABCL syndromes, plus internal consistencies and cross-informant correlations of scales for ages 18-59.

The Supplement illustrates practical applications of multicultural norms to cross-informant comparisons of scores obtained from the Adult Forms and provides guidelines for research use of the Adult Forms. It also details the development and use of the Multicultural Family Assessment Module (MFAM).

Thomas M. Achenbach

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