Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System - Third Edition (ABAS-3)

Author(s) : Patti L. Harrison and Thomas Oakland

Publisher : WPS, 2015


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ABAS-3 Manual

SKU : 503ABS

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ABAS-3 Parent/Primary Caregiver Form (pkg 25)

SKU : 600ABS

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ABAS-3 Teacher/Daycare Provider Form (pkg 25)

SKU : 601ABS

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ABAS-3 Parent Form (pkg 25)

SKU : 602ABS

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Purpose: Provides a complete assessment of adaptive skills across the life span
Age: Birth to 89 years
Time: 15 to 20 minutes

The Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System 3rd ed. (ABAS-3), provides a complete picture of functional skills across the life span. It is particularly useful for evaluating those with developmental delays, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), intellectual disability, learning disabilities, neuropsychological disorders, and sensory or physical impairments.

Key Features:

  • New norms, updated item content, and improved ease of use
  • Assesses 11 essential skill areas within 3 major adaptive domains: Conceptual, Social, and Practical
  • Identifies adaptive behaviour strengths and weaknesses
  • Integrates assessment, intervention planning, and progress monitoring
  • Compatible with AAIDD, DSM-5, and IDEA

The ABAS-3 covers three broad domains (conceptual, social and practical). Within these domains, it assesses 11 skill areas. Items focus on practical, everyday activities required to function, meet environmental demands, care for oneself, and interact with others effectively and independently.

Skill Areas:

1. Communication
2. Community Use
3. Functional Academics
4. Health and Safety
5. Home or School Living
6. Leisure
7. Self-care
8. Self-direction
9. Social
10. Work
11. Motor

There are five ABAS-3 rating forms, each for a specific age range and respondent. On a 4-point response scale, raters indicate whether, and how frequently, the individual performs each activity. In addition, the Adult Form can function as a self-rating.

  • Parent/Primary Caregiver Form (Ages 0–5)
  • Teacher/Daycare Provider Form (Ages 2–5)
  • Parent Form (Ages 5–21)
  • Teacher Form (Ages 5–21)
  • Adult Form (Ages 16–89)

These forms can be completed by parents, family members, teachers, day-care staff, supervisors, counsellors, or others who are familiar with the daily activities of the individual being evaluated.

The ABAS-3 can be administered and scored by hand, administered by hand and scored via software, or fully administered online.

ABAS-3 Online – WPS Online Evaluation System

The WPS Online Evaluation System makes administering and scoring the ABAS-3 faster and more accurate, offering improved clinical efficiency. Online testing allows clinicians to administer all forms remotely or in-person, check the status of an administration at any time, score and report automatically, create customised intervention plans and quickly compare two raters’ scores.

Sample Online ABAS-3 Score Report

Sample Online ABAS-3 Rater Report

Sample Online ABAS-3 Progress Monitoring Report 

Sample Online ABAS-3 Intervention Planning Report

Sample Online ABAS-3 Interpretive Report

System Requirements:

  • Internet access (with any of the below compatible web browsers)
  • Mozilla Firefox version 27 and later (recommended)
  • Google Chrome version 33 and later
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 9 and later
  • Apple Safari version 6.1.2 and later
  • Adobe Reader (for report generation)


Patti L. Harrison and Thomas Oakland

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