Please note: Print NEO PI-3 materials while stocks last
Author(s) : Paul T. Costa, Jr., PhD, and Robert R. McCrae, PhD
Publisher : PAR, 2010
Please note: Print NEO PI-3 materials while stocks last
The NEO-PI-3 is a revision of the revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R™), the standard questionnaire of the five-factor model.
In addition to measuring the five major domains of personality (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness), the NEO-PI-3 gives insight into the six facets that define each domain.
Retaining the reliability and validity of the NEO PI-R, the NEO-PI-3 features new normative data. A total of 38 items from the NEO PI-R have been revised or edited to lower the reading level and make the instrument more appropriate for younger examinees or adults with lower educational levels.
The two-part carbonless hand-scorable answer sheet, usable with either Form S (for self-reports) or Form R (for observer reports), eliminates the need for separate scoring keys or templates.
In the NEO-PI-3:
The NEO-PI-3 provides flexibility for administration and scoring, with various options to suite your needs:
Available for both Adult and Adolescent. Materials required for testing include your selected Item Booklets (Form S for self-reports or Form R for observer reports), you answer sheets (suitable for Form S or Form R) and your selected Profile (standard profile or combined gender profile). Additional NEO materials (such as the Style Graph Booklet, Job Profiler and Your NEO Summary Feedback Sheet) are also available to provide additional information to clients. Clients will complete the NEO using the Item Booklet and Answer Sheet. Clinicians will use the Profile and NEO Inventories Manual to score the assessment.
Available for both Adult and Adolescent. Materials required for testing include your selected Item Booklets (Form S for self-reports or Form R for observer reports), you answer sheets (suitable for Form S or Form R), and either Score or Interpretive reports on PARiConnect. Clients will complete the NEO using the Item Booklet and Answer Sheet. Clinicians will input the client responses from the answer sheet into the online PARiConnect system.
Available for both Adult and Adolescent. NEO-PI-3 can be administered and scored online via PARiConnect, with reports generated instantly. The Adult NEO-PI-3 is also available on the ACER Psych Testing Platform (APT) where all data is contained on a localised Australian platform.
No hard-copy materials are required for either above option.
Please note: Regardless of your administration and scoring option, all users require a NEO Inventories Manual.
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Examples of areas of speciality: Psychiatry, Paediatrics