Online CogAT Screening Form Administration

Author(s) : Dr David F. Lohman & Dr Joni Lakin

SKU : E1126

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Visit the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT®) School Support Centre Page.

The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Screening Form provides schools with the ability to offer a quick and reliable data point when screening for accelerated programs.

Built according to the same high standards of quality as the full form CogAT, the Screening Form consists of the analogies portion of each Battery from the full form (Verbal/Picture Analogies, Number Analogies and Figure Matrices).

Testing online with DataManager
  • CogAT Screener online provides a more cost and time effective testing option – no administration minimums mean you can test any number of students when you need to, with price per administration
  • Online CogAT Screening Form Administration can be used for any CogAT Screening Form level (5/6–17/18)
  • Flexible administration options – administer with audio instructions, or the assessment can be proctor-led 
  • Content and administration time does not differ from the pen-and-paper assessments
The Online CogAT Post-Screening Form is available for when students have completed the CogAT Online Screening Form, and you would like them to complete the full assessment (includes the six remaining subtests for online screener-to-complete CogAT). You must have previously purchased and administered the Online CogAT Screening Form to purchase the Post-Screening Form (the Post-Screening Form must be administered within 30 days of the Screening Form).
Technical Requirements
Online testing can be completed on desktops, laptops, chromebooks and iPads (stable internet connection required).

Please note: Price is per administration. The Online CogAT Administration, Online CogAT Screening Form Administration and Online CogAT Post-Screening Form Administration are all sold separately.

School roster files need to be uploaded prior to testing for bulk uploads. If you have a small number of students, you can manually upload roster data (which is active instantly).

Dr David F. Lohman & Dr Joni Lakin

The following qualifications are required to access this product. Please login or register to proceed
Please contact ACER Customer Service on +61 3 9007 2048 if you have any queries.

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