
Relaxation For Children

ISBN13 : 9780864311481

Author(s) : Jenny Rickard

Publisher : ACER, 1994

SKU : A349BK

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Relaxation helps children improve their ability to cope with strong emotions, to respond positively to challenge and to maintain a natural, harmonious state. Learning to relax is a valuable life skill that can be acquired in childhood, helping children gain self-confidence, body awareness and healthy coping mechanisms that will stand them in good stead.

As well as clear directions for stretching, loosening, breathing and visualising exercises, Relaxation for Children includes:

  • Notes for parents
  • 21 masters for overhead transparencies
  • Relaxation workbook for the child
  • Suggestions for suitable music.

While written for teachers for use in classrooms, parents can also use this resource in the home.

Jenny Rickard