Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales (SB5)

Fifth edition

Author(s) : Gale H. Roid

Publisher : Pro-ED USA, 2003


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Purpose: To measure intelligence / cognitive ability

Age: 2–85+ years

Time: 45–60 minutes (approximately 5 minutes for each 10 subtests)

The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales–Fifth Edition (SB5) is a collection of 10 subtests providing Nonverbal, Verbal, and Full Scale IQ scores and other diagnostic indexes.

The SB5 provides a comprehensive profile of scores to document the cognitive strengths and weaknesses of children, adolescents, and adults with learning difficulties, delays, and disabilities.

Key Features

  • Covers five factors of cognitive ability in both nonverbal and verbal domains – Fluid Reasoning, Knowledge, Quantitative Reasoning, Visual-Spatial Processing, and Working Memory
  • The 5 subtests in the Nonverbal section are useful in assessing individuals with Limited English Proficiency, deaf and hard of hearing conditions, nonverbal learning disabilities, ADHD, traumatic brain injury, and autistics spectrum disorders
  • One half of the test has nonverbal content that requires no (or minimal) verbal responses from the examinee
  • SB5 is one of the major instruments in assessment of intellectual giftedness and extensive high-end items are included to ensure measurement of high levels of gifted performance
  • SB5 measures low levels of intellectual functioning because it includes many toys and improved low-end items for better measurement in the low functioning range
  • Valid measurement of abilities into the elderly years is provided by enhanced assessment of memory
  • Child-friendly manipulatives make the SB5 a popular choice for preschool testing

New Online Scoring Now Available!

Available as a 1 year subscription, The new PC, Mac, and tablet-compatible SB5 Online Scoring and Report System replicates the process of hand-scoring—users enter background information, age, and raw scores.

This program provides consistency in raw score conversion, a standard summary graphical report, a detailed, narrative summary report with guidelines and suggestions based on well-established principles of assessment, and a general report describing the IQ and Factor scores.

Reports can be generated as a PDF or MS Word documents for editing as necessary.

Sample Online SB5 Standard Summary Sample Report
Sample Online SB5 Detailed Summary Sample Report
Sample Online SB5 Descriptive Sample Report

Gale H. Roid

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