The Fiction Gateway

Enriching the Curriculum with Children's Literature

ISBN13 : 9780864318800

Author(s) : Suzanne Eberlé and Noelle Williamson

Publisher : ACER Press 2009

SKU : A4089BK

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In this guide to children's literature, two experienced school librarians set out to answer the question, 'What's a good book for me to read next?', by providing a selection of books for librarians, teachers and parents from which to choose the most appropriate book.

The Fiction Gateway is an essential resource that supports individual, group and social reading programs and provides an instant guide to matching children's interests with suitable reading material.

Each entry contains:

  • Brief synopsis of the plot
  • Publisher details
  • Theme correlations
  • Concepts and reading level
  • Questions for discussion
  • An excerpt
  • Range of post-reading activities.

Suzanne Eberlé is a teacher-librarian with extensive experience in teaching literacy strategies and leading professional development workshops.

Noelle Williamson has established libraries, developed reading program and delivered mobile library services throughout Victoria. She is co-author of the Reading Adventure reading scheme.