What Teachers Need to Know about Personal Wellbeing

ISBN13 : 9780864319289

Author(s) : Debra Ferguson

Publisher : ACER Press, 2008

SKU : A4050BK

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The What Teachers Need to Know About series aims to refresh and expand basic teaching knowledge and classroom experience. Books in the series provide essential information about a range of subjects necessary for today's teachers to do their jobs effectively.

Teachers are faced with a myriad of different situations to deal with involving decisions, interruptions and people's needs and demands.

Schools can require teachers to be more than an educator - situations arise that require a teacher to act as a social worker, administrator or mediator. Teachers are renowned for putting their own needs last and, although this is a natural response in the short term, the long-term consequences can be damaging to health and wellbeing.

What Teachers Need to Know About Personal Wellbeing will help teachers evaluate their life and work in order to become more balanced, fulfilled and productive. It provides insights into many aspects of wellbeing, analysing exactly what makes people happy and contented, and presents a series of challenges to practise the strategies outlined.

With over 45 years' experience in education, Peter Westwood has taught students of all ages from preschool to tertiary, and much of his classroom career was spent teaching students with special educational needs.

After some years serving in the School of Special Education and Disability Studies at Flinders University in South Australia, he is currently a Visiting Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Hong Kong.

Peter has published many articles and books for teachers and for children.