Child Sexual Behavior Inventory (CSBI)

Author(s) : William N. Friedrich

Publisher : PAR, 1997


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CSBI Professional eManual

SKU : EP159

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Online CSBI i-Admins (pkg 5)

SKU : E695

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Online CSBI Score Reports (pkg 5)

SKU : E696

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Purpose: To evaluate children who have been or may have been sexually abused

Age: 2-12 years

Time: 5-10 minutes

The Child Sexual Behavior Inventory (CSBI) is a 38-item measure of sexual behaviour in children that is completed by the mother or other primary female caregiver. The mother (or primary female caregiver) writes directly in the test booklet, indicating how often she has observed each of the listed behaviours during the preceding six months.

It covers nine major content domains:

  1. Boundary Issues
  2. Sexual Interest
  3. Exhibitionism
  4. Sexual Intrusiveness
  5. Gender Role Behaviour
  6. Sexual Knowledge
  7. Self-Stimulation
  8. Voyeuristic Behaviour
  9. Sexual Anxiety

To fully understand each child and ensure his or her safety, it is essential that the CSBI be used in combination with other clinical measures and procedures.


  • CSBI Total scale - Overall level of sexual behaviour the child exhibits
  • Developmentally Related Sexual Behavior (DRSB) scale - Sexual behaviours that can be considered normative for child's age and gender
  • Sexual Abuse Specific Items (SASI) scale - Sexual behaviours that can be viewed as relatively atypical for child's age and gender; such behaviours raise suspicion of possible sexual abuse

The CSBI can be administered and scored online via PARiConnect.

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William N. Friedrich

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